Due to the varying kinds of dog food on the market and the different environmental conditions the dogs come on contact with, we will not guarantee the dog unless they’re given NuVet Plus daily at the manufacturer’s suggested dosage. Failure to do so makes this guarantee null and void.Our health guarantee is simple. You must keep your puppy on the NuVet vitamins that they have been receiving here. AND...


 You must have your puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian of your choice within (3) days of purchase. If your puppy, in the opinion of the veterinarian, has any physical problems considered to be life threatening, we will provide you with a refund of the purchase price of the puppy.To make a claim you must return the puppy to the seller immediately. Also,provide a signed statement from the veterinarian providing date of exam and an explanation as to diagnosis and prognosis. The statement must include a description of the symptoms and or tests supporting the opinion. Note: There is no guarantee against Hypoglycemia, Allergies (skin or otherwise), Cocidiosis, Hip or Joint problems, Parasites, Cherry Eye, Viral or Bacterial Infections. The above listed conditions have no guarantee against them as there are many more variables to why these problems can occur, other than genetics or hereditary. Additionally there is no guarantee against buyer neglect or abuse. A determination of neglect or abuse on the part of the buyer voids all warranties.

Our English Bulldog Puppies come with a 6 month limited life guarantee. Should the puppy die of a birth defect within six months of the date of birth, the seller will provide you with a refund of the purchase price of the puppy. To qualify for this guarantee, you must have kept the puppy under the care of a licensed veterinarian. This care must include all vaccinations recommended by the vetrinarian. To make a claim, you must bring a signed certificate from the vet stating the cause of death and a copy of ALL the puppy's health records.

There is no guarantee that the puppy can be shown, that the puppy can be bred, or the final color of the puppy as an adult.

If the puppy is being returned for any health guarantee claim, you  must also return all registration papers. Registration papers must be signed, transferring ownership back to the seller. The seller will not be held responsible for any costs accrued after the sale is final.

Guarantee is not valid in case of neglect, abuse or accidental death or injury.


Dear Puppy Buyer,

Please note that NuVet Plus supplements are required as part of your pet’s Health


More than 250,000 dogs and cats are using NuVet to protect against most ailments

(from back yard pesticides, pet food allergies and hormones, toxic formaldehyde in

furniture and carpeting, ailments transmitted from dog parks and the vet’s office, etc),

while maintaining a beautiful skin and coat.

This is not just a vitamin. It’s an immune system builder with a precise balance of

vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, amino acids and high-potency antioxidants. That’s

why it works so well through all three stages of a dog’s life.

 For younger dogs (under 2 years old), it strengthens their immune system, while

building and strengthening the cardiovascular, skeletal and nerve systems.

 For dogs in their prime (age 2-8), it improves the luster of their skin and coat

while protecting against allergies, skin and coat problems, staining from tears,

digestive problems, etc.

 For older dogs (over 8 years old), it helps reduce and eliminate arthritis, tumors,

premature aging, cataracts, heart conditions, diabetes and many types of cancer,

while extending the life and improving the vitality of most dogs.

NuVet Plus will keep your pet on the path to perfect health! It’s not available in stores,

and is only available to the general public with an order code from an authorized pet


For your convenience, you may order directly from the manufacturer (at up to 50% off

what most veterinarians charge) by calling 800-474-7044 and using Order Code: 28005,

or ordering online at www.nuvet.com/28005 . By using autoship you can save an

additional 15%.

To the long life and health of your puppy!

Jennifer Dorio

Seaside English Bulldogs


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